Importance of Year End Review Hike/Bonus in IT world?
First time, I’m going to write a non-technical blog and the motivation behind this article is my year end reviews so far.
There are few categories of tech people I have met during my professional career.
Category 1:
Very hardworking, committed ,fully focused and technology driven.
Category 2:
8 hours job and do what’s given and complete it on time.
Category 3:
Doing a full time job as part time and invest major part in other interests.Consider current company as a money source.
Category 4:
Complete work through others and show it to the company that it’s their work. Able to survive as tasks are completed.
Category 5:
Working as long as they don’t kick me out. Survive on company sympathy. Enjoys being in bench and other extra activities in company like art, sports etc.
Category 6:
Create dependency and build career on it.
Category 7:
Dependent on one domain and hence tied to a company.
Every company is proper mix of these kind of people and belonging to different countries, culture etc.
For examples :
— Few Indians tend to mix work and personal life. They may even forget the personal obligations to make a great impact in work environment , be it for financial or career growth.
— Majority Europeans tend to keep a clear cut line between work and personal life and they put their life first before office work.
— Vietnamese try to complete the tasks on time by working extra miles, but they don’t show off. I loved working with them. Very good people.
Coming back to the actual point, Year End Review!
Now I understand why new companies are born, why the number of start ups are growing day by day, why the attrition rate is also on the rise.
If the higher management doesn’t make the Category 1 happy, that’s a bigger problem. I doubt whether we need a MBA degree to understand the most simple point of business. “Keep your best people always focussed. Keep them away from distractions”.
Higher salary is given to category 1 people because they are not distracted and give their 100% focus on company goals and milestones.
On a year end review, that should be the most important focus of CEOs or Managers or whoever the person sitting in the leadership board.
Unfortunately I belong to the category 1 and many a times I have committed myself to a company goal, but the year end review makes me demotivated as hell and I start thinking to switch.This is an end less cycle and now after all years I realised that it was not my urge for more money that kept me seeking for next opportunity , but it was the lack of motivation.
So finally I have the perfect answer to my interview question:
Why are you looking for a change?
It’s Motivation.
My humble request to all the CEOs, Leaders and Managers out there who dream big and want to build an empire or have a big picture in your mind, never let the motivation of your category 1 go down. Make it as a part of your business plan and give importance to it. Please don’t listen to any MBA folks in this matter as the tech community is very sensitive and even a scratch of unhappiness can make them re-think what they are doing.
Thank you
Dedicating this article to all those category 1 techies who got demotivated by Year End Reviews/Bonuses.